In this page are technologies I’ve come across that stand out for their potential utility in future projects or learning. These tools, platforms, and concepts are worth exploring and evaluating further. While I’m not yet proficient in all of them, they serve as a curated list of interesting ideas and possibilities.
Data & Analytics
- DuckDB: An in-process SQL OLAP database tailored for modern analytics workloads. Lightweight, embeddable, and optimized for analytical workflows.
Workflows & Orchestration
- Temporal: A platform for orchestrating distributed workflows that offers reliability and scalability with a code-first approach, supporting languages like Go, Java, and TypeScript.
Development Tools
- Jetify Devbox: A development environment designed to manage and optimize workflows, simplifying setups, dependencies, and tooling.
- Nix: A package manager and build system that enables consistent development environments with declarative configurations.
- HTTPie CLI: A modern, intuitive command-line HTTP client that makes API interactions more readable and user-friendly.
- Biome.js: A fast tool for code transformation and linting, improving JavaScript and TypeScript workflows with a focus on performance and developer experience.
- Bun: A next-generation JavaScript runtime built for speed and simplicity, integrating a fast JavaScript engine, bundler, and test runner.
- Testcontainers: A Java library that simplifies testing with containers by providing lightweight, disposable instances of databases, message brokers, or any other services your tests need. It streamlines integration testing with reliable and reproducible environments.